“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.”
Why not you!
Do you dream big for your life but never actually believe that those dreams could happen? Unfortunately, I lived most of my life not really dreaming big at all, mostly because of fear but also disbelief. I felt that there were so many limits and things holding me back from doing what I really really wanted to do and, along the way, I lost the ability and even the desire to dream big. Why bother when I had no idea how I could ever make them happen?
Insert Network Marketing. Yes, it gets a bad rap but put that aside for just a minute and trust me when I say that this opportunity may not only be the most exciting leadership and character building experience you could ever have but also the vehicle that could create the time and freedom you need in your life to make your biggest dreams come true. No, you do not need to be an expert in essential oils; no, you do not need to have a large following on social media; and no, you do not need to have even an ounce of entrepreneurial experience. All you need is a dream, a supportive community who will challenge and teach you how to show up and serve everyday, and an unwavering belief that you are making a positive and valuable impact in people’s lives no matter how big or small.
If we don’t change our direction we’re likely to end up where we’re headed. -Chinese Proverb
Even if it takes you 10 years of part-time work to earn $10,000 a month in residual income, wouldn’t it be worth it? You don’t have to start out knowing all the answers to how you will make it work and I promise I had 99.5% of the same fears that you have when I first started. You just have to say “yes!”
The community you surround yourself with matters a lot and you will find people who are committed to expanding and growing themselves every day when you join ours. You will be inspired to dream big for yourself and I’d be so honored to walk alongside you as you go for those dreams!
We rise by helping others and I am committed to supporting and loving on my team day in and day out. When I decided to do this business, I sought out a mentor who models this type of leadership for her team to the very fullest. To say I am learning from the best is an understatement!
Through our community, you will find more support, education, and motivation to succeed in your business than you could ever imagine. Taking that first step is always scary but you won’t be doing it alone! I’ll be your biggest cheerleader and our entire team will be here to encourage and inspire you every step of the way.
Here’s a few of the things you can expect when you join me:
• unlimited access to a free, self-paced online Young Living business course - the ultimate mentorship
• access to our private business mentorship groups as well as product photos + graphics
• invitation to our business calls hosted on Zoom
• daily conversations, support, and education through Voxer
• a community of people to link arms with who are passionate about improving their overall health and wellness + helping others do the same!
Young Living Income Disclosure Statement
If you’re ready to jump in, grabbing a Premium Starter Bundle is the first step!
Send me a message and I’ll show you exactly how to get started!
How do you make money?
You make a commission off of your personal sales volume and also a commission on the sales made by those in your downline.
How much money could I make?
Click HERE to see Young Living’s income disclosure statement and a breakdown of the income opportunities.
Is this part-time or full-time work?
Either! You get out what you put in. Work part-time hours and make a part-time income. Work full-time hours and see your business grow!
What is required to do the biz?
Purchase a Premium Starter Bundle and enroll in Loyalty Rewards. Make a minimum purchase of 100 pv (~$100 usd) each month. That. Is. It!
Do I need a large IG following?
Nope! Many people on our team have grown their businesses with no social media following at all. However, we will give you tools and training on how to create content for your social media if you’d like!
Do I need an inventory of oils and products?
No, you can simply share your referral link and help others purchase their oils and products themselves through the Young Living website.